PNNL and Topolonet Concluded a Study on Topolonet’s DLR Solution LineID
LineID is Topolonet’s groundbreaking Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) software solution that delivers real-time DLR without relying on weather data. This innovative tool provides precise, real-time estimation of critical parameters for any high-voltage overhead transmission line. These parameters include series impedances, shunt admittances, surge impedance loading, voltage stability, line loadability, and characteristic impedance—all derived solely from measurements provided by Synchrophasor Measurement Units (PMUs).
Additionally, LineID includes another revolutionary algorithm that significantly reduces the ratio error in measurement potential transformers (PTs) and current transformers (CTs), resulting in unparalleled precision in line parameter estimation.
In a study conducted by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, LineID was rigorously tested on two transmission lines measuring 25 and 100 miles in length. The findings, published in a detailed report, highlight the effectiveness of LineID as a versatile tool, particularly for applications in DLR.
Discover the full potential of LineID by exploring the detailed findings from the study. [Click here to download the full report].