Our Technology

Real-Time Dynamic Line Rating
Topolonet presents a revolutionary DLR technology with LineID, leveraging Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) data from both ends of a transmission line. This patent-pending technology accurately calculates real-time line ratings by estimating parameters like series resistance, inductance, shunt conductance, capacitance, and surge impedance loading (SIL) directly from PMU data. Uniquely, LineID does not require information about weather conditions such as temperature, wind speed, or solar radiation. LineID is deterministic – it does NOT rely on AI, and therefore enables more efficient and responsive electrical transmission network management. Additionally, LineID offers real-time estimates of the transmission line’s stability limit (loadability), aiding utilities in maximizing line capacity while ensuring stability.
- LineID calculates the entire resistance of the line that includes the resistivity caused by imperfect splicing and hot junctions that cannot be considered by other DLR technologies.

Complying with FERC Order 881
FERC Order 881 requires transmission providers to implement and use ambient-adjusted ratings for transmission lines.
- LineID provides dynamic line rating without using weather data in compliance with FERC Order 881.